Motivating and Enhancing Performance

Law Enforcement Leadership Training Institute
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Equip your leaders today!

discuss your leadership needs

Leveraging Leadership Experience

Our Focus

The Law Enforcement Leadership Training Institute (LELTI) provides leadership and innovation training including cybersecurity and the impact of the latest technology such as 5G, AI and the Internet of Things. LELTI focuses on a learning environment and course exercises, combined with case studies that are interactive with frequent group discussions designed to draw on the experience and expertise of the participants themselves as well as from the experience the instructor brings to the class.

Practical and scenario-based exercises, along with information sharing and discussion within the class, will provide the opportunity for course participants to understand issues from many different viewpoints to assist them in grasping the concepts as they are discussed. 

Charge Forward

Creating Better Police and Military Executives: Program Definition

Successful police and military executives are driving organizational change through strategic management-an ongoing process that seeks opportunities to enhance operational efficiencies by identifying internal issues and external influences, including technology that hinder organizational sustainability.

  • The leadership program is designed as an integrated program covering all aspects of contemporary leadership.
  • leadership program aims to build skills and leadership qualities integrally within security and military framework.
  • The program offers a specific path of soft skills & hard skills including Leadership personality and competencies.
  • The program is presented in Arabic and English Languages.
  • The program is characterized by flexibility in training and time and is adaptable to meet beneficiaries training requirements.
  • Technology Awareness
  • Increased Learning
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Enhanced Performance


What We Can Do For You

Law Enforcement Leadership Training Institute spans a wide variety of leadership disciplines. We focusing on 5 key areas – Strategic Leadership, Supervisor Leadership, Operational Leadership, Adaptive Leadership and Technology.

Cybersecurity, Smart Phones and the Internet of Things combined with 5G and AI are challenging Law Enforcement. We bring in experts in each area and equip your leadership with the latest methodologies and best practices in that discipline.

Cybersecurity, Smart Phones, the Internet of Things (iOT) combined with 5g and AI.

Officers need training not only in basic cyber hygiene but the technology advances in smart phones and the impact of the Internet of Things as “Smart Cities” change our landscape.

Strategic Leadership

We provide leaders with the latest methodologies, techniques and technology to prepare leaders with the ability to make decisions.

Executive leadership

We focus on the knowledge and skills required to plan and prepare for a police operation and lead a team as the supervisor in charge.

Operational Leadership

Operational leadership promotes growth and professional development into senior leadership

ADAPTIVE Leadership

No single person can solve all of a company’s problems, creating the need for adaptive leadership.

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