Law Enforcement Leadership Training Series



Cybersecurity, Smart Phones, 5G, AI and the Internet of Things

Cyber training is as essential for personnel to receive as it is for them to be trained in law enforcement principles such as tactics or incident command. Officers need training that emphasizes basic cyber hygiene and best practices in the collection and preservation of digital evidence.

Smart Phones, Smart Cities, the Internet of Things impact our daily lives and 5G with AI increases the vulnerabilities of cybercrime.

Every member of the organization must have a role in maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of an agency’s systems and data. Cybersecurity must be an ongoing collaborative effort between police employees and IT professionals.

Hacking techniques continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. Law enforcement leaders do not need to be technical experts, but they must have a basic understanding of the types of cyberthreats that exist. An organizational culture must be fostered that champions an informed, defensive stance against cyberthreats.

The proliferation of personal connected devices is increasing and therefore, cybercrime and the regularity of traditional street crimes facilitated through Internet-connected devices are increasing. Not only will the need for digital evidence to be forensically analyzed increase, but jurors also will come to expect digital evidence to be presented in court—much like they anticipate conventional forensic evidence, such as fingerprints and DNA, to be presented in court.

Manufacturers will continue to offer devices that offer enhanced security for consumers but substantially hinder the efforts of investigators tasked with recovering digital evidence. Consequently, investigators will require additional training and resources, and forensic examinations will take more time to complete


Taking Cybersecurity to the Next Level


The proliferation of personal connected devices is increasing and therefore, cybercrime and the regularity of traditional street crimes facilitated through Internet-connected devices are increasing


Law enforcement leaders do not need to be technical experts, but they must have a basic understanding of the types of cyberthreats that exist. An organizational culture must be fostered that champions an informed, defensive stance against cyberthreats.

Get In Touch

San Diego, CA
+1 760-476-1588
[email protected]